Title: The Apocalypse Part 4
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/apoch4.zip
Size: 33.9 KB
Date: 05/22/00
Author: Rick Clark
Description: This is an old-style Doom 1 map.
Base: These maps are all original works.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor, DeepSea
Rating: (3 votes)

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A bit difficult, but I made it in first run. Map is detailed, I didn't lost on it. I made 100% in 11:32 minutes on UV. x
Nice one, high monster density in small rooms leads to lots of fun action, the level progression is interesting and unpredictable, it has that feel when you aren't really lost but can't tell where you are exactly, without looking at the map anyway. The final fight is in the most boring and banal area, ironically.x
Not much to say about this one. Overall, it's a remarkably average map. 3/5 -VVx

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