Title: Apokalypsis
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/apokalyp.zip
Size: 501.88 KB
Date: 08/18/15
Author: theJF
Description: Episode 4 replacement for Ultimate Doom
Credits: Pascal vd Heiden, S Judd and all Source Porters. Thanks to Plums and Wilou84 of Doomworld for advice and a load of demos.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Unknown
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder [v2.1.2], SLADE3 [v3.1.0]
Bugs: None
Rating: (9 votes)

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Solid 4 stars stuff. It's not a masterpiece, but it's really enjoyable to play with acceptable difficulty. The only one problem I had was abusing too many spectres in the dark area. Other than that, It's a good replacement for Ultimate Doom E4.x
I enjoyed it and had fun. Sure it's nothing that original, but if the record ain't broke...x
Another prime example that you can make a great map set for Doom 1. This is a classic Doom gameplay with no surprises, but it's executed very well and it never gets boring. It is so thanks to good ammunition provisioning. Visuals are good and in-line with what Ultimate Doom had to offer. Difficulty level is moderate, so don't expect a huge challenge. All in all, a fine map set.x
Solid small to medium levels fairly dense with monsters (more than the original levels, less than Draft Excluder) in Episode 4 style.x

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