Filename: levels/doom/a-c/bltwlz31.zip
Size: 426.74 KB
Date: 10/28/94
Author: Tom Walz
Description: This is the first (make that fourth) release of a few levels that I have done for Doom. They take place in levels 1 through 5 on mission 1. They were created in the order that they are played in, so the first level seems less well rounded but level 4 has some excellent design. These levels took me a long time to create (learning Deu and thinking of new mechanics.) I plan to release newer versions later with more levels, better graphics, and I'll brush up the early levels even more. There are some graphics included in this version (mostly textures for my house) but most of the stuff is the same. The levels are set up so that if you choose medium difficulty, it should be perfect for those who need a challange. Easy is well ... pretty easy. And Hard is not impossible (I've completed it often, but I know where everything is) but it is difficult. In order to get the best value out of these levels I suggest you DO NOT USE ANY CHEAT CODES. If it seems to difficult at first, change the difficulty level, and don't spoil the secrets. I have worked hard to get the difficulty where I wanted it for these levels.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu
Rating: (4 votes)

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This is one of those early megawads where the author compiled his first half-dozen maps (and then never designed a level again). E1M1 is an angular, random-feeling level with textures all over the place. It is easy to get stuck. E1M2 is a "my house" level; you can just run straight to the exit. E1M3 feels like a larger, more intricate variation of the first map. E1M5 is bigger than others, but no more fun to play; it's very cramped and fiddly. Map01 is sort-of decentish.x

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