Title: Clear Focus
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/clearfoc.zip
Size: 15.51 KB
Date: 08/03/11
Author: Mr. Chris
Description: A small base level to get your focus cleared. The level kinda follows the DTWID rules so it feels more like an id level but isn't. Any minor alignment errors found were intentional and should not be of any concern.
Credits: id and Codeimp
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Rating: (8 votes)

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Sui Generis
Nothing wrong with this - a brief E1 map with simple square details and interconnection. Secrets are ok, though a secret megaarmour near the end is gratuitous. I guess it should be thought of as a doom aperitif. In this it works fine, though as it's meant to be brief, the author may aswell have used stairs rather than the lift which slows it down. It'd make more sense as part of an episode. For short 1 map E1 wads Station 12z was better (id=15054)x
I liked it. It's pretty short and, yes, very easy, but the clear E1 style is very refreshing, and it was wholly enjoyable. 4/5 - ZZx
It's OK design-wise, but woefully easy. It's a cakewalk to play even pacifist-style, unlike most of the original E1 maps.x
It's appropriately named, seeming as it certainly has a "clear focus" in providing some quality action despite its short length. I hope to see more maps like this, maybe an E1 series in similar vein to his E2 style maps from 2009, as I'd say this is pretty much the E1 edition of "Stoned" (id=15673). 4/5 but I'd give this same type of map 5/5 if it's bigger (similar to how he progressed with his E2 series).x

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