Filename: levels/doom/a-c/conquest.zip
Size: 91.03 KB
Date: 09/18/94
Author: Jim Hendrickson
Description: Make your way through the building, facing a few different challenges. Watch your step, you may end up in prison for life!
This level is designed to be easy on level 1 and 2, manageable on level 3, challenging on level 4, and completely impossible on level 5.
There is enough ammo to score 100% kill ratio on all levels.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DOOMCad v4.2 on MS Windows 3.1
BSP Nodebuilder
DOOM v1.2
Rating: (8 votes)

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an ugly and confusing mess.x
Huge 1994 level giving what players from that era wanted: a large adventure with interesting ways to go, secrets, and ambushes and other fights. Contrary to the claims of the previous two voters, architecture and gameplay are clearly *not at all* far ahead of it's time; besides that, it has too many flaws typical for that time, and there are a lot of 1994 maps which are arguably much better than this one. Having said that: 4* because in 1994 playing it gave a lot of fun, which is where DooM is all about.x
An impressive effort for a 1994 level in terms of size and complexity, but painful to play. Extremely confusing progression even for 1994, dead-end mazes, "secrets" that turn out to be just hallway connectors opened from one side, and an area that teleports you across the level with no warning. Truly is far ahead of its time, however; a teleporter past a red door traps you in a small room, with nothing to do but quit or reload, predating Terry by 14 years.x
Lightning Hunter
For a map made in '94, this was way ahead of its time. The detail is more reminiscent of a map made in 2000, and the author paid attention to the lighting and texture alignment - something that is rare for 1994. The connectivity is great, and there are lots of secrets to find. There aren't many intense fights, but there are several clever traps. As the other reviewer stated, you can unfortunately get stuck in a few areas that have no exit. Because this map was far ahead of its time, I give it 5/5.x
A classic E2 styled base with a very intricate design. There are lots of little side rooms and secrets to find, and everything seems interconnected. The progression is complicated, but once you've learned the map it's not hard to find your way around. There are some stupid things, though: you can trap yourself completely in several places, and the gameplay is sometimes dull (this map could really use some bigger fights). Still, a good map. --4/5x

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