Title: Cool Doom Level
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/cooldoom.zip
Size: 11.22 KB
Date: 02/04/95
Author: Adam Grommes
Description: You are stuck in the basement from hell and you
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.21
Bugs: none (if you do find any, please E-MAIL me and tell me what they are.)

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Rating: (7 votes)

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I liked the description, it was fun to explore empty rooms hoping to find at least something (monsters/decoration s/etc) and I laughed at the medikit trap that killed me.x
let me just wipe my ass with this shit...x
Absolutely superb!x
walter confalonieri
is not THAT piece of crap i was thinking.... 2 stars, coz i fell good...x
You've hit the nutsack on the noggin and no mistake. It's a small "network" of mostly squarish rooms. The seventeen monsters - count 'em - include such terrors as the imp and the shotgun guy! Argh! And the pink demon things! But not many of them. The level has lots of rockets but no rocket launcher, and I mean that literally, not as a metaphor.x
Completely pointless. Small, almost empty, buggy, ridiculously easy. I love the comment about using codes in the .txt file... --0/5x

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