Title: Crazy.wad
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/crazy.zip
Size: 23.66 KB
Date: 01/10/05
Author: Fred Lanier
Description: Crazy.wad is the second wad I've created,the first being Freddoom.wad. It's not that big it's difficult and fun. I'm getting better at it. I think you'll see an improvement over the last one, however, It's not as good as some on the market. Please send me some E-mail and let me know what you think.
Credits: Ben Lanier my son and glich tester. He says the wad is "weak" even though it took him 50 tries to complete it.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 24 hrs
Editor(s) used: DEU5.1
Rating: (2 votes)

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Crazy indeed. It is very disorienting and a bit challenging even today. Lots of interesting trigger usage and a certain amount of insane feel. I like it.x
A pretty bad map, but I've seen worse. Some ideas are cool (the big staircase section, and the starting areas), but most of them fall flat. Also, the architecture feels completely randomly thrown together, and there are outright bugs. Getting 100% kills isn't trivial (there are some strong monsters in tight quarters), so you have to apply some thought into your playing. --1/5x

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