Filename: levels/doom/a-c/cross2.zip
Size: 54.54 KB
Date: 03/03/06
Author: Brad Hughes
Description: large sized wad that keeps you looking over your shoulder, you have enough ammo - barely This wad it tough on UV but the other levels are easy....
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 50 hours
Editor(s) used: DEU (what else?)
Bugs: none I know of...
Rating: (4 votes)

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Very old school, not really good looking and a bit monotonous but it more or less does what it claims, avoiding surplus ammo yet giving you enough, and offering enough of a challenge to keep you on your toes. It's somewhat "claustrophobic" without being cramped. ***x
Good: Inspired enemy placement, with clever ambushes and old areas repopulating with monsters; Cramped areas lead to tense battles; Tight health balance. Bad: Very ugly, with many texture errors and poor texture choices (including unmarked key doors and damageless sludge); Repetitively-texture d, mazey hallways make navigation confusing; Keys hidden behind rather non-obvious secret walls. Overall: Surprisingly good combat inside a confusing eyesore of a level. 2/5 -VVx
Good actionx

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