Title: Forever Cursed
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/cursd.zip
Size: 37.38 KB
Date: 10/26/22
Author: HotCoffee
Description: A classic doom map that takes place in hell. It has a vanilla-minimalist look and feel. Travel across the halls of an abandoned castle as you make your way to the dimension of the damned where flesh and blood spans to entire rooms and the screams of the cursed souls who are trapped there echo forever. Cross the notorious "Curve Of The Damned".

It is recommended to play this on Ultra-Violence. The map being replaced is E4M8 meaning that to play this you have to enter a random level and type "IDCLEV 4 8" or you can use the "-warp" command line parameter.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder, Slade
Bugs: none that I know of

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