Title: Cybo-Kill!!
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/cybokill.zip
Size: 31.69 KB
Date: 03/09/95
Author: Brian S. Barrett
Description: You've just transported into the Cybo-Demon's base of operations. Now all you have to do is find him and take him out. Somewhere in the base is his station-control-room, from which he radios messages to other UAC bases and of course the inhabitants of the one you're in. But beware! The Cybo-Demon is tricky! Once you spot him he'll do anything to make sure you stay....dead or alive.
Credits: ID, for a most awesome game! Geoff Allan, for DoomEd
Base: of operations. Now all you have to do is find him and take him out. Somewhere in the base is his station-control-room, from which he radios messages to other UAC bases and of course the inhabitants of the one you're in. But beware! The Cybo-Demon is tricky! Once you spot him he'll do anything to make sure you stay....dead or alive.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomEd v.2.60 beta 4 "The Real Thing"
Bugs: None that I know of

If you find any, please let me know.
Rating: (4 votes)

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Go play it.x
I know what youre thinking: This is a shitty square with a cyberdemon in it. but hold on! This map features solid gameplay and design, a quick ripper of a map. It stands well above most WADs from 1995, and would have made a welcome addition to any old map sets.x
ill rip his hed off and throw it out of the galixyx

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