Title: dethstar.zip
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dethstar.zip
Size: 17.07 KB
Date: 05/12/94
Author: Jackson Harvey
Description: It is completely new, not a hack of an existing level. This is my first Doom level, but I think it is very good. There are some tricky parts, and if you are ever tempted to think it is unfinishable, you can watch the demo I have provided.
Credits: Thanks to Justin Mansell for help using the DEU editor and to Eric Alspaugh for help with aesthetics (textures, etc.).
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU5BET4 and DEU50
Rating: (2 votes)

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Pros: Clever use of teleporters: Very impressed to see teleporter puzzles of this caliber in a first time map, good job. Decent secret placement: Ok not 'secrets' per-say but you did have to think to progress in this level which is a good skill to nurture. Cons. Height: Or lack there of, so many corridors were cramped. Corpses everywhere: Hanging bodies in a very low room, some block the player and some don't. Confused Textures/Theme: This level appears to have no coherent texture theme. x

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