Title: Escape from Planet Deum
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/deum.zip
Size: 35.29 KB
Date: 02/21/05
Author: Tony Priest
Description: Final Transmission of Agent Brendan Raphael Blaskowiecz: When I arrived on Planet Deum last night I teleported into the offices of the ware- house. Disguised as a Cacodemon I was easily able to maneuver through the mazelike corridors until I found the teleporter that took me to the computer facility. In the computer facility I discovered crushing ceilings and after much carnage was able to locate the teleporter to the penal facility. This led to the surface where, after sneaking by a spider demon I arrived at the door to the exit. I am opening the door right ARGHHH....... END OF TRANSMISSION. You will now be deposited into the warehouse where agent Blaskowiecz was sent. You must retrace his steps and discover his fate.
Credits: The Usual
Base: New from scratch / Modified (name of original file)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.2, BSP
Bugs: None
Rating: (9 votes)

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fun gameplay visually bit plain but nice overall 3.8/5 x
It's an ok map. The DOOM map idea is good and some fights and secrets too. I was expecting a bit more detail or better texture allignment.x
Jolly good. - magicsofax
damn good map.x

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