Title: Engine (ENGINE.WAD), Killing Zone (KILL.WAD)
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmcos.zip
Size: 87.64 KB
Date: 07/04/05
Author: Cos
Description: ENGINE.WAD Quite a large level with lots to kill and a few puzzles to solve. I played it a couple of times so I know it can be done. Unfortunately, there's a couple of small areas where the mirroring effect persists, and I just couldn't get rid of it! I'm not going to tell you to be careful and save the game often etc etc, cos you'll play it your own way anyhow.

KILL.WAD For single play only because I still beleive most people play with themselves???? and there isn't really 2 fair starting points, altho' you may disagree.

Quite a large level with lots to kill and a few puzzles to solve. I played it a couple of times so I know it can be done. I'm not going to tell you to be careful and save the game often etc etc, cos you'll play it your own way anyhow.

[Authors comment about both WAD's:] I had a lot of fun creating this, I hope you enjoy playing it. Cos.
Credits: The many authors of additional doom levels, and of course ID for the original game. Thanx to Geoff Allan, whoever you are, for DoomEd, it's just SO easy to use despite the bugs!
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomEd v2.60b4 DEU 5.1
Bugs: Hopefully none, (well I counldn't see any!) but if you find any, "oooops, silly me!".
Rating: (3 votes)

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Two levels from July 1994. Engine is large and meandering, with unaligned textures, but it's non-stop action with lots of monsters, and good fun to play. It's a manly level, for men. Kill is more of the same, but even cruder. It has a nice dining hall that's packed with monsters. Unfortunately I got completely stuck after that bit (turns out that I missed a secret door). Overall they're both mazey and crude but full of violence, and thus not bad.x
These maps are classics. They are one of the few wads from this era I can actually remember playing and enjoying!x
These are both reasonably good maps overall, though there are too many unmarked or poorly marked doors.x

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