Title: Football
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmfoot.zip
Size: 12.38 KB
Date: 04/05/06
Author: Andrew Fritz
Description: The gridiron is all set up for what appears to be
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.2, and BSP 1.2.
Bugs: I had to finagle the uprights somewhat. From
Rating: (3 votes)

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A novelty wad from September 1994. It's a very small American football pitch, with twenty monsters (cacodemons, a baron and a few little'uns). You can just run around the outside and they mostly kill each other. The uprights are clever for 1994. Reminscent of one of the boss battles from Duke Nukem 3D (perhaps that was the intent) but it's much, much too small - it's about the size of a tennis court.x
not too bad afterallx
too short, but good idea 2/5x

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