Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmglad.zip
Size: 15.43 KB
Date: 08/02/05
Author: Tim J. Ash (TinyTim)
Description: Try this small WAD as the eigth level on the first episode. It's not large, but fun if you try it starting with a pistol only! NOTE: you must warp to level 8 on episode 1 for this WAD to work, it will not work if you change the WAD to any other level.
Credits: DEU 5.21 and BSP 1.1.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 8 hours.
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, with assistance of BSP 1.1
Bugs: No known bugs.
Rating: (4 votes)

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goes with name...stadium style layout...tyson type fights coz no weapons bersek pack should be there imo.fights aren't exciting except you want to speedrun...innovate concept for its period didn't aged well though x
This is dated 6th December 1994. It's not bad given that it's an E1M8 replacement, although it still needs some work. It's basically a classical auditorium into which some monsters teleport. You eventually have to kill a baron of hell, which is tricky because there are no weapons in the level apart from a chainsaw; it's not impossible (especially if you make the monsters infight) but it's boring. Doesn't really work as a deathmatch level, too small.x

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