Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmperl.zip
Size: 57.43 KB
Date: 05/24/05
Author: Ian C Hay
Description: It's no secret, DOOMSDAY is a month away The Final level for 1.2 from this author, Once again no fancy story line just a lot of traps and secrets and some REALLY hard bits. :-) BTW If it seems really impossible, look around there IS a way.

If you wonder about the names it's just the name of the group that's on when I finally finish creating a level , if you haven't already, get my other level - Nirvana.wad
Credits: Creators of the various tools used. Dirk Bol, Dean Rocks for testing the level
Base: New from scratch / Modified (name of original file)
Build time: 15 hrs
Editor(s) used: DJGPP 5.21 BSP 1.1x REJECT 1.0.0
Bugs: NONE
Rating: (5 votes)

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Not very creative: mostly it's just a maze after maze after maze. The blue key maze is pretty funny though. I also found some stuck monsters and ran out of ammo at some point, probably because I couldn't find the rocket launcher. Meh.x
tableau ayant plus de 200 monstres assez bien fait 3/5x
Plays fine. The number of invuls cracked me up. 3/5 - Belialx
I've seen worse stuff. Playable and good if one likes nostalgic feelings. x

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