Title: |
The Slaughter of the Spiders |
Filename: |
levels/doom/d-f/dmsltr.zip |
Size: |
54.23 KB |
Date: |
05/26/05 |
Author: |
Greg Smith |
Description: |
The Slaughter of the Spiders |
Credits: |
Base: |
New from scratch |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
(3 votes)
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/idgames protocol:
| yuck! | x | |
| This is from October 1994. It's E2M2, and gets off to a bad start, with a wonky grasp of door key colour codes. From then on it has a habit of making you press random bits of scenery, and you have to backtrack enormously unless you do it right. Despite this, and a meandering layout, it's okay for the period; there's a certain amount of creativity, it moves quickly enough, although the most memorable bit is the spider infight, which is right at the start. | x | |
| A bright, greyish techbase, this map features a nice trap, some progression quirks, and one inventive situation (two Masterminds that will kill each other á la MM map 22). Most of it is still, sadly, very forgettable. --2/5 | x |
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