Title: |
Filename: |
levels/doom/d-f/dmsqd2.zip |
Size: |
37.83 KB |
Date: |
05/12/06 |
Author: |
Unknown |
Description: |
Kill them and survive! |
Credits: |
Base: |
New from scratch |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
    (3 votes)
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     | One star just because it's not so broken that you can't reach the exit. Otherwise, this level is trash. Long and boring and dimwitted, with lots of big, plain hallways, plenty of graphical errors, and almost no attention to detail. Those inescapable sludge holes at the beginning of the level are there for a reason; throw yourself in and spare your poor marine the trouble. 1/5 -VV | x |
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