Title: RCK.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/doomwd14.zip
Size: 60.55 KB
Date: 04/13/07
Author: Rich Kyanka a.k.a. CROW (mst3k)
Description: thank you for downloading my doom wad file.

where should i start? this wad is my first upload to a bbs system. this level is pretty complex (but if you're a stud i guess it's no problem) with a sh*tload of switches, rises, airducts, invisable walls, toxic crap, and other things hazardous to your health. so don't be discouraged if you can't find what is activated by what switch or trigger.

have fun, jerky.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: who cares?
Editor(s) used: deu521 and bsp node builder
Bugs: the only bugs that it appears to have is the flash to the background that randomly happens when entering different sectors. so ignore it or learn to live with it.

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