Title: |
Filename: |
levels/doom/d-f/drkstair.zip |
Size: |
36.57 KB |
Date: |
07/19/94 |
Author: |
Anonymous |
Description: |
Credits: |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
DEU 5.0 and BSP 1.0 (binary space partitioner) (Special thanks to the creators of both programs; Raphael Quinet and Colin Reed) |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
     (2 votes)
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     | This is for the most part too boring and too dark (the light amps that are spread around are sorely needed). Strange texturing, no challenge, wierd progression -- when you've killed all the monsters, you have nowhere to go. The exit, as it turns out, is strangely placed in a secret in the middle of the map. 4/5 secrets is the maximum. --1/5 | x |
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