Title: |
EPIC11.WAD (v 1.0) |
Filename: |
levels/doom/d-f/epic11.zip |
Size: |
44.62 KB |
Date: |
06/13/94 |
Author: |
Max Schaefer |
Description: |
Conspiracy of bad guys and architecture. Ammo conservation required.
Perfectly possible without cheating ...
Comments (direct email) very welcome. |
Credits: |
Christabel Cooper; Vaughan Pilikian; authors of DEU and BSP. |
Base: |
New level from scratch |
Build time: |
24 (contiguous) hours + |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Two glitches (not quite HOM) in display: one major one in the big room (you'll see it when you come to it); one minor one near the end. Can't work out what's going wrong - if you can help please email me. (Please note I have little net access over the summer, so may be slow in replying.) |
Rating: |
(6 votes)
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| The beginning is somewhat decent in all it's undetailed squareiness and the end isn't too bad, but the maze is HORRIBLE. 0/5 | x | |
| It's an ok map, though it loses it's kick near the maze, which seems purely designed to kill ya. 1/5 | x | |
| This is a poor early level from May 1994. It basically consists of three rooms; a large square hallway at the beginning that has a big swarm of monsters, followed by a hedge maze that just goes on and on and on, no fun to play at all. There's a small ending room that's uninteresting. Basically, the meat of it is a hedge maze. Visually it's not bad, but there's no real gameplay, it's the kind of thing people program robots to navigate. | x | |
| Pretty boring, thanks to the inevitable maze. | x |
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