Title: Ice Floes
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/floes.zip
Size: 66.12 KB
Date: 03/03/14
Author: Martin Bazley
Description: After the intricate detail of Demon Base, I decided to go for the grand scale this time. Marvel at the views from the top of the enormous ice shelves! Actually, don't, because you'll die. It's not that easy.
Credits: ID Software (Doom) Eddie Edwards (RISC OS Doom) Justin Fletcher (Doom+, RISC OS BSP) Anthony J. Burden and Simon Oke (Deth) Lee Noar (RISC OS Deth) Colin Reed and Lee Killough (BSP) Big brother Chris (BSP front-end, web hosting, waterfall texture)
Base: , I decided to go for the grand scale this time. Marvel at the views from the top of the enormous ice shelves! Actually, don't, because you'll die. It's not that easy.
Build time: Six months in total, most of which was spent waiting for me to do something to it.
Editor(s) used: Deth 3.92 (ported version 1.00) Acorn Paint 1.94 BSP 2.3 DoomWAD 1.04
Bugs: No *known* bugs, no...
Rating: (6 votes)

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Typical 1994-style wad with all its flaws: simple map layout, awful scenery due to textures misuse, texture misalingments, dull monster placements. Strafing around sectors 8/10 in the south part, looking to the top corners of the building, shows another design error. Gameplay is as expected. Thus reviewed as a 2014 map: WOT. I would carefully suggest you stop spending time in making a lot of maps like this, but instead try a single one according to 2014 style - without the 1994 pitfails.x
Ugly textures, a lot of strafe-running through curving corridors, had to backtrack a long way after running into a dead end. Didn't even complete it.x
My brother never quite got the hang of convincing outdoor architecture, which is a pity because this map almost lives up to the grandeur of its description. If you can overlook the consequent TARDIS-like effects, the texturing is consistent and restrained, atmosphere is good and the "Knee-Deep in the Dead" sky fits nicely. There are no big monsters but UV skill level is still quite a challenge because enemies swarm and there is little cover. An in-joke concerning his first map (MARTIN.WAD) made me smile.x

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