Title: frstreet.zip
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/frstreet.zip
Size: 119.31 KB
Date: 01/10/20
Author: Jail
Description: You find yourself on one f*** of a Harlem-style street...

A medium-size French WAD from August 1994, featuring a street, a subway station and graffiti.

The original readme - STREET.TXT - requires the OEM 863 char set to display properly.
Credits: BETTY and GILLES Funduke, Perseus and RL for the 1994 love.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: about 30 hours
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.1 (better than DEU 5.2 ?????) BSP1.1x DMGRAPH 1.1 DMAUD 1.0
Bugs: HOM in the subway station

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