Title: Jump for it
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/0-9/1jump4it.zip
Size: 22.1 KB
Date: 02/20/96
Author: Daniel Huff
Description: DeathMatch. You'll need to play this one to believe it. Don't pass it up, or you,ll really be missing out! - Easy to identify exit. Fast paced layout for high frag counts! All weapons above a shotgun are harder to get, with considerable risk involved. No mis-aligned textures anywhere, and no bugs!
Credits: id software for the best game ever! Greg Jobe for the encouragement to keep building wads.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Ed209 (with BSP included), and RMB
Bugs: None
Rating: (1 vote)

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This seems pretty fun, but those halls should be a little wider and it's also quite plain. The doors are unpegged for some reason making them look weird when you open them. I'll give this a solid 3 because it's competent.x

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