Title: Too Simple
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/0-9/2simple.zip
Size: 19.52 KB
Date: 09/06/95
Author: Arthur Fischer
Description: Basically, my friends and I spend hours playing DM on MAP07 in Doom ][, so I decided I'd make a wad in the likeness of said level. Though I never really took much time analyzing the level, I took the basic shape, and worked from there. I mean this to be a DM WAD, but you can play it co-op, and single playerly (though each of above suck). One word of advise, if you don't like plasma, don't get this WAD.
Credits: id (making the game); Thomas Kolacz and Liam Stitt (playtesting); Raphaël Quinet and Brendon J. Wyber (DEU 5.21); Jeff Rabenhorst (EdMap 1.40);
Base: New level from scratch, though inspiration came from MAP07 of Doom ][
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, EdMap 1.40
Bugs: No (known) bugs

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