Title: Arena
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/a-c/arena2.zip
Size: 14.35 KB
Date: 08/10/94
Author: Harvey Gilpin
Description: Deathmatch heaven. Basically it's a large central arena with various sub areas scattered arround the edge for good measure. There are a few monsters in there to provide a source of ammo and to create some traps *grin*. I The level _designed_ to be played with respawn, it will be lame without it.
Credits: iD *worship* Mat Tagliaterri + other edditors of DoomCad
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCad 4.3
Bugs: None, lemme know if u spot any.
Rating: (2 votes)

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I did not like the Arena itself, it should be alot bigger, should have some walls so you can try to get into cover. but 3/5 for the Design and the choice of having secretsx
Rather attractive and well-playing for its age. **** -sargebaldyx

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