Title: bcomplex.zip
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/a-c/bcomplex.zip
Size: 60.82 KB
Date: 07/25/94
Author: Megaduck
Description: This was supposed to be a small wad but somehow it got to be 180k for one level. This is a great deathmatch & multiplayer level, but it is also possible to win solo. All weapons can be found on this level + extra health etc. The Cyberdemon also exists on this level, but only comes out if you push a certain marked button.
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Rating: (7 votes)

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very impressively executed ideas nice atmosphere..quite easy in fights but visually and design wise so brilliant that its hard to believe its from 94's x
Very very easy by modern standards but amazing for 1994 indeed.x
excellent design!x
Amazing by 1994 standards. This is a fun non-linear level with good architecture, a good theme, multiple routes, optional areas, and some decent fights. It can end very quickly if you don't look for all 3 keys, though. I wonder what the original, "massive" 180k level looked like? 4/5x

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