Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/a-c/blob2.zip
Size: 535.99 KB
Date: 10/10/94
Author: Bob Findlay (irc Blob)
Description: A DEATHMATCH wad with THREE different play styles, a ranDOOMizer room, with a random (32 point) teleporter, spot sound effects, and more (I won't spoil the suprise) Story? "We don't need no steenkin story" - get out there and kill each other!
Credits: ID (naturally), and Ben Morris, author of DCK, and of course, my long suffering wife Kim, who although she has been a Doom widow for months, and is now a level contruction (and Doom ][) widow still doesn't complain. She's the best.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: T.F.L.
Editor(s) used: DCK 1.1a, DMAUD, and DEU to combine the map&sounds

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