Title: The Chasm
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/a-c/chasm.zip
Size: 12.09 KB
Date: 12/19/04
Author: Steven Doornbos
Description: Primarily a DEATHMATCH - you fight offaround a chasm filled with lava. There are thin bridges to cross in various places, allowing you and you adversary access to the awesome arsenal of automated armaments that DOOM has to offer! (Whew! What alliteration!) All the weapons are available, and one CAN commit suicide...
Credits: Nobody!!! Er.. except, that is, to all those wonderful people at Id, and the makers of DEU, and BSP, and rest.
Base: New from scratch / Modified (name of original file)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.2, BSP 1.1x, and Win HexEdit to change the level number, since I started as E1M1.
Bugs: Some Hall of Skies down in the lava pit due to the tall height (though less than 1023), but then again, who would want to go down there? :)

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