Title: DiStOrTiOn...
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/d-f/distort.zip
Size: 8.48 KB
Date: 05/06/05
Author: Narfmiestr
Description: This is a perfect deathmatch level. Designed after Doom ][ level 1, plus a few ideas of my own. this level incorperates convienient size, a modest supply of weapons, and a vast variety of textures to add to the exitment.

This level has 5 main rooms with several secret rooms. I had a group of friends complile their ideas of what would make a great deathmatch level onto a peice of paper, and mixed that with Doom ][ level 1. This level is for doom 1.....
Credits: My buds, who will go nameless due to request of the FBI...

To all the little people who made this possible...
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 30+ hours...
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 4.3 for structure; DEU for textures; and BSP...
Bugs: None. cept maybe cockroaches crawling through your opponents cranium.....
Rating: (2 votes)

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