Title: |
Frag o' Mania - a DeathMatch WAD for Doom1 |
Filename: |
levels/doom/deathmatch/d-f/frag_o.zip |
Size: |
27.89 KB |
Date: |
04/20/96 |
Author: |
Kevin Worrel |
Description: |
A circular arena with 4 raised areas accessible by stairs in the center of the arena. On the out- skirts of the arena, are 4 watch towers with outer "ready rooms" where players start. The raised areas also have hidden alcoves where former human snipers covered with vines start out. On the + side, after you kill the former humans you can use the alcoves to hide yourself and possibly find a little goodie behind the back wall! Try using -respawn to make it a little more interesting. I have, though, included a response file with the params that this wad was meant to be played with: fragoprm.txt |
Credits: |
Jason Worrel, David Lee, and Chirag Vithlani for play testing. Jason Worrel also for the awesome sky light idea. And of course the guys at ID for a great kick ass game! |
Base: |
scratch |
Build time: |
1 Week; + or - a year |
Editor(s) used: |
*DCK v2.2-f* <----Best editor I've used! BSP Node Builder v1.2x |
Bugs: |
none known. |
Rating: |
(1 vote)
Download mirrors:
/idgames protocol:
| Really cool idea. This guy went on the become the lead designer for the Call of Duty games, as a side note. | x |
View frag_o.txt