Title: The Gog-Man's Doom Deathmatch WAD and GOG2X.WAD for Doom 1.2r
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/g-i/gog2_2x.zip
Size: 105.79 KB
Date: 12/05/04
Author: The Gog-Man
Description: This WAD if for all the Doomers out there who just LOVE to blow their friends AWAY! I designed this level from the ground up for HEAD TO HEAD play.
I'm sorry if it sucks in single player mode.. Try it with a friend or better yet, three friends!!!
Have fun and remember: It's only a game, not a way of life!

The Gog-Man

--> Some additions of GOG2X.WAD include berserker, invisibility and more superchargers. There are more new tunnels, rooms and really fun jumps.
Enjoy this with a few friends.. TGM
Base: New from scratch
Build time: It took approximately 80 hours to design and test.
Editor(s) used: DoomEd v.2.60 final, BSP Node Builder v.1.1x, Doom v.1.2 Registered

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