Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/g-i/gothmog.zip
Size: 48.63 KB
Date: 10/23/04
Author: Nathan Kidney
Description: PWAD file for E1M1. This is an ARENA type DEATHMATCH level that was created using the same idea as the ledges series, with a central arena surrounded by smaller rooms. It is designed primarily for deathmatch, BUT can be played alone or co-op, but let me warn you that if you play with monsters, expect to get your butt kicked, especially in Ultra-Violence! There is only one gun of each type laying around not counting the shotgun you get from the enemies. HINT: There is a trick in one of the rooms that can become a 30 second trap for another player if you figure it out first!
Credits: , Nathan Kidney.
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Rating: (2 votes)

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Another 1994 map inspired by ledges.wad? How many of these things are there?! For being 20 years old, this ain't too bad, though. I had 5 minutes of fun, but a deathmatch would consist of constantly snagging yourself on the walls.x

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