Title: Halls of Death I (Episode of deathmatch wads)
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/g-i/hallspro.zip
Size: 381.03 KB
Date: 09/03/94
Author: Jan Ignatius, Osku Salerma
Description: These levels are designed especially for deathmatch. They're great fun at even two player games, but with a LOT of playtesting we have found out that the more players you have, the more fun :)
Credits: Raphael Quinet, Colin Reed, for making deu and bsp.

Jari Lanteri, for converting the music on levels e1m3 and e1m9. And all the other music authors, whose midi files we picked out of a large midi-collection. We also changed them a bit to make them sound better on GUS. (Note: I don't have a gus and I don't even intend to get one. Osku :))
Base: All new levels by us..
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.1-DEU GCC 5.2
Bugs: None that we know of, but let us know if you find any.
Rating: (2 votes)

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