Title: Hangar v3.0
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/g-i/hangar30.zip
Size: 47.85 KB
Date: 03/05/96
Author: "KAMIKAZI" Chris and Michael Niggel
Description: Alright, you're all wondering, "why is the first level in DOOM called 'Hangar?' when it really isn't a hangar or anything like one?" Well, now it is. Hangar features new textures, secret areas, a good playing field, and above all, it's a cool place to deathmatch in!
Credits: The creator of Waded, Matt Ayres, and the many creators of DEU.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WADED v1.42, DEU v5.21, WACKER beta7, TED
Bugs: None!
Rating: (2 votes)

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This level has a big long runway and a large hangar with a few rooms around the edge; it's much too wide-open to work as a deathmatch arena, and there's no challenge in single player. But the design is nice and nostalgic, and I liked the extra touch of having tyre marks on the tarmac. There are a couple of simple but cute secrets, especially the obvious one right at the start that I nonetheless missed.x
Although this wad has been placed in the deathmatch folder, it's a single-player map as well. Despite missing detail (Hey, it's from '96 after all!) and some linedef errors in the beginning, this is quite good. -- 3/5x

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