Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/g-i/idbest.zip
Size: 87.4 KB
Date: 02/28/95
Author: Chris Dale
Description: This a huge deathmatch level made by cutting and pasting together parts of e1m1, e1m2, e1m3, e1m4, and e1m5. It's intended for regular deathmatch, and there are no energy weapons. I added a lot more to idmix.wad, and I redid the layout a bit. Idmix.wad was hastily thrown together. Now the the ceiling and floor tiles are properly aligned (at least where it counts) and the exit works :).
Credits: * id Software for the game and the levels. * Raphael Quinet and Brendon Wyber for DEU. * Jason Hoffoss for DMapedit. * Jeff Rabenhorst for Edmap.
Base: Modified e1m1, e1m2, e1m3, e1m4, e1m5
Build time: 15 hrs
Editor(s) used: DEU, DMapedit, Edmap.
Bugs: You might see some tiny texture leaks, but overall idbsp does a very good job of node building.
Rating: (6 votes)

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Awesome concept. I would love to see more of these for the other 3 episodes. It could've used some single-player optimization, though. 5/5x
Having played the original version of these levels countless million times, this level feels very strange to play. It's very weird to be in one familiar place, step through a door and arrive somewhere equally familiar, but completely wrong. The whole level feels like a series of rips in the space-time continuum.x
This is on the old "Maximum Doom" CD. It's a kind of E1 redux, and it's sometimes uncanny. You are confronted by rooms and corridors that shouldn't be there. As a single-player map it's sprawling, and the exit is an anonymous switch, but it's basically as entertaining as the originals. There are a couple of oddities - doors with colour-coded frames that don't need keys, a blue key door that goes nowhere, but it's surprisingly slick for something older than DVD.x
Classic! Nostalgia trip or what?! This one was ten years old about a week ago!x
A nice early E1 style level with areas from other E1 maps pasted in. But it plays better as a single player level.x

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