Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/j-l/ledge__i.zip
Size: 15.73 KB
Date: 03/07/96
Author: Craig Webb
Description: DeathMatch level for DOOM I, designed for DEATHMATCH 2.0 rules.

If this wad looks familiar it's because, although the level was created from scratch, much of the ideas and level design was shamelessly stolen from my favourite DM level, ledges2i.wad, created by Mark Gresbach.

The heavy duty weapons are quite tricky to get a hold of. Have fun trying to get the plasma gun (just remember my motto - No Pain, No Gain :)
Credits: The makers of Doom and DEU.

Mark K. Gresbach Jr. (If you haven't played his "ledges" series, what the hell have you been doing?)

Simon Green, Long Nguyen (play testers)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU v5.21, bit of DCK22
Bugs: None.

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