Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/j-l/ledges.zip
Size: 15.81 KB
Date: 05/12/94
Author: Mark K. Gresbach Jr.
Description: This patch file is for E1M1. To designed for only deathmatch play. It works best with 4 players but can be played with 2 or 3 players. All weapons are evenly spaced to insure a good deathmatch.
Credits: Steve Burg, Douglas Hay, Bill Nowicki, John Washburn, Phil Katz
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 20+ hours
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.0
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)

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The #1 DM WAD of 1994 that spawned numerous sequels, permutations and imitations. Aside from its historical significance, this map is also notable for Tim Willits ripping it off (without giving the original author any credit whatsoever) in his first RAVEN WAD.x
Too much blue Armor, also there's an invuln' sphere. but the others would have to be slow to let you get to it. Honestly, this actually looks kinda fun, aside from some bad textures.x

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