Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/j-l/ledges2.zip
Size: 14.61 KB
Date: 05/14/94
Author: Mark K. Gresbach Jr.
Description: This patch file is for E1M1. This is the sequal to LEDGES.WAD. It is basically the same as LEDGES.WAD, but it has a different layout, and some new tricks to get the weapons. Again, the level is designed for deathmatch play, and doesnt function well under normal or co-operative mode. The plasma rifle is nicely placed and should cause havoc in your first few matches.
Credits: Steve Burg, Douglas Hay, Bill Nowicki, Phil Katz
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 25+ hours
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.1 & BSP 1.1
Bugs: Slight HOF effect near chaingun. I still have no clue what is causing it.

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