Title: Lost in Paris / Death Match version
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/j-l/lost_dth.zip
Size: 49.99 KB
Date: 08/04/94
Author: Hervé Benvel
Description: A pack of two levels, only made for Death Match. You wanted a place where you could have some fun fighting each other, I hope you got it! This is a sequel of a PWAD I still haven't released (should be out by the end of the month), with the sounds, graphics, and music removed. Thus, this PWAD is sort of a pre-release ;-)

I spent a week on the first level, and just about two hours on the second. Tell me what you think of the "frag while flying" effect :-)

I made the music of level two on my own, using an AWE32, a GUS, a Roland Keyboard, and Cakewalk Apprentice. It is inspired by Two Unlimited's euro-hit: No Limit. May their new album be as succesful as the previous :-D
Credits: see below
Base: From scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU GCC 5.21, MIDI2MUS, MUS2PWAD, BSP 1.1
Bugs: None
Rating: (1 vote)

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