Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/p-r/pueblo.zip
Size: 82.82 KB
Date: 09/03/94
Author: Tom Neff
Description: This was a "contract WAD" for a well known Deathmatch tournament organizer who ultimately couldn't use it for business reasons. The client's requirements were that it run on 1.2, be pretty fast, have no nukage or other non-combat hazards, and have the exit clearly marked but hard to abuse. My goals were that it look memorable, play well, and have graded difficulty. The result was influenced by my travels in Taos and the High Southwest. I hope you like it.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU, BSP, RMB10 for REJECT, Corel PHOTO-PAINT 5.0 and DMGRAPH for graphics
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)

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It's a very short map with realistic textures. Really good for its age. 3/5 -Glassymanx
This map looked cool in 1994, and still does in 2007. The new textures really make it look like a mexican house in the middle of the desert.x

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