Title: SATANIC DOOM v1.1
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/satandm1.zip
Size: 220.73 KB
Date: 07/17/95
Author: Joao Tavora
Description: One of the best patch of levels ever written for DOOM. Detailed and realistic construction on each of the levels. Great gameplay and realistic effects (light sourcing, smart placing of barrels, etc...) And wait 'till you see Multiplayer mode... Believe me, try these levels, you won't regret it... This is version 1.1, slightly upgraded to fix some bugs and add some things... I also made the levels slighly harder...
Credits: Luis Lourenço Lopes- without whom I would not have been able to put the whole thing together. Also made the upload to ftp cdrom.com
Base: From Scratch
Build time: One week aprox.
Editor(s) used: DEU 5 & 5.2, Edmap, and BSP to rebuild nodes
Bugs: None
Rating: (3 votes)

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These maps are OK, but nothing special. Clashy texturing everywhere, and I could never picture a deathmatch here - these are dated coop maps. 3 starsx
It's a great wad, and being unknown for many years makes lots of people wonder if there are any lost tresures deep within the doom community. Texturing feels good and this is no slap-dash job. Overall, a real good spin which will waste a couple of minutes.x
This is an old wad, but I found it to be pretty good! There were some texture alignment errors, and a HOM pit I couldn't escape from, but beyond those errors the gameplay and overall texturing was excellent. (I'm the first person to rate this in 12 years...how exciting!) 4/5x

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