Title: DeathTown
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/thepit.zip
Size: 47.19 KB
Date: 08/17/95
Author: Daniel Griffiths
Description: Kick ass WAD for deathmatch, smaller area than all my other WAD's but hey it's better for two players to actually see each other once in a while!!!

Based in a relatively small city/town surrounded by an acid moat. Each building can be entered to pick up weapons and gain vantage points of nearby streets. Fast and action packed.
Credits: Who else?? Did it all myself mate! Well thanks to Id, for the kick ass engine. BTW can't wait for QUAKE hehehehe..

I guess i'll thank damo for being such a good loser.. umm opponent in deathmatch testing. Drop him a line on:

s9407343@yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au and tell him to get a new f#$ken keyboard!
Base: d in a relatively small city/town surrounded by an acid moat. Each building can be entered to pick up weapons and gain vantage points of nearby streets. Fast and action packed.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, BSP12X node built.
Bugs: None that i know of, but only playtested deathmatch for 10+hours hehehehehe. Too much spare time i say!

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