Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/ultim.zip
Size: 22.43 KB
Date: 05/14/05
Author: Emil Eisenhardt
Description: I created this level with the intention of it being an extremely fun Deathmatch level. There are many sniper towers, teleports, weapons, and places to explore. I have play tested this with some friends and found it to be great. I hope you think the same! Includes the chainsaw lover's best dream! Simple, short, but great fun. Very different. If you are looking for an intricate, mind boggling level, this is NOT one of them (but you can try it anyway). On the other hand, if you like to have LOADS of FUN, please try this out!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: It took me a few weeks to construct (balancing schoolwork and sports)
Editor(s) used: DEU editor 5.0 (and later, 5.1) and BSP Node Fixer-Upper (both which I obtained from Compuserve)
Bugs: The only "bugs" I know of are a few minor texture offset problems. Otherwise, it should work fine.

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