Title: USQ IRC goes Deathmatch Hogwild
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/usq2.zip
Size: 19.52 KB
Date: 09/29/94
Author: Chris Willacy
Description: This WAD is a representation of the Uni of Southern Queensland L and T block buildings. Excellent deathmatch WAD. Weapons are fairly low level (Shottie, pistol, chaisaw. This ensures maximum fairness and some cool shoot outs and fisticuffs. Loads 'o sniper positions, dark alleys, cool places to hide out. On 4 player this WAD should kick ARSE! (I hope...testing it on the weekend). Tested on 3 player. Groovalicious.
Credits: Deadly Dave (he of the Moonspammers), Moory (also fellow Moonspammer and Pseudo-Echo piano guitarist look-a-like) and anyone else I happen to destroy on this wad. Also thanks to my playtesters: Georde, Matt, Deve Caity, Mick, Jules, and everyone else. Geoff Allan and ID software.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 6 hours which includes playtesting + 4 hours tweaking. Again, 23 hours spent swearing at Windows after it locked up 6,563,124,535,900 times.
Editor(s) used: DoomED 3.0b and IDBSP 1.something.
Bugs: None that i have found. E-mail me if you find any.
Rating: (1 vote)

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