Title: Take a Leap of Faith!
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/v-z/wb1_lof.zip
Size: 47.07 KB
Date: 07/30/95
Author: White-Beard (Chad M. Berg)
Description: This is a pure deathmatch level. This is my first level so don't expect much. I tried to cover most of the good aspects of DOOM as best I could. All I can say is there is always a way out of every corner, so don't give up. There aren't many mosters so playing it on single player isn't too fun, but I did have some fun with the teleporters. There is a way out of every situation. Please E-Mail me and let me know what you think. Oh ya...and enjoy!
Credits: My good buddy Peg-Leg and the makers of Deu and DCK.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DUE and DCK 2.2
Bugs: I had some trouble with a couple doors that were there, but not realy there. Maybe you can figure out what I did and E-mail me the solution.

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