Title: GOTCHA 3
Filename: levels/doom/g-i/gotcha3.zip
Size: 61.22 KB
Date: 06/12/94
Author: Bruce Vautherot
Description: This is a map of an industrial complex. It would seem that there has been some wierd experiments going on with the rival companies in this community. It seems that while you were sleeping in a secluded room, something has happened to the security personnel that has made them into killing machines. It has well lit buildings with lots of windows, the outside is kinda dark. There are quite a few buildings and there is a stream. The weapons in this include the shotgun, chaingun, and rocket launcher, depending on the level of play and what type of play. It is a good deathmatch level.
Credits: My wife. My 3 kids (who helped test it) The guys at work. (after hour doom-boys) The DoomEd editor. FANTASTIC!! EXCELLENT!!! The DoomCad 4.2 editor for platform assign and integrity checks. All the Internet Posters for ideas.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 26 Hours (who cares?)
Editor(s) used: DoomEd & DoomCad 4.2
Bugs: There are a few areas where there are some minor HOM effects, no show stoppers. Nothing will clean them up.
Rating: (2 votes)

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A boring city map, with a selection of small, bare houses planted in a pitch black surrounding. Gameplay isn't difficult, but tedious, as there's little health and no armour, and shotgunners aplenty, sniping at you from (seemingly) everywhere, as well as spectres stalking you in the dark outside area. Exiting involves finding three unmarked secret sectors in a sequence. Avoid. --1/5x

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