Title: Grejsimojs
Filename: levels/doom/g-i/grjsmjs.zip
Size: 510.75 KB
Date: 02/25/24
Author: Alper002
Description: An anachronistic 90s-style E2 Replacement. There may be mandatory fake walls, among other contentious mapping tropes, but hopefully the maps may still bring a smile!

Be sure to have the DEHackED file loaded so you see the nice ceramic mice I photographed! (Unless you're loading this in a high-end sourceport, there's a lump included inside!) -- STORY:

Airplanes have been circling around YOUR LOCATION, and the sound's getting really annoying! Turns out, they need your help! Some dastardly mouse is trying to extort the closest airport of their cheese! They can't land until he goes away!

You go and deal with the problem so you don't have to deal with more airplane noises in your sleep. -- MUSIC:

INTRO - The Entertainer M1 - Everybody wants to rule the world M2 - The macarena M3 - A piano rendition of the Lupin III theme M4 - Gimme Gimme Gimme M5 - Entry of the Gladiators M9 - Can-Can M6 - "Troika" from Tetris: The Soviet Mind Game M7 - Money Money Money M8 - The Devil Went Down To Georgia VICTORY - The Swedish National Anthem
Credits: Whoever made the ceramic mice I bought My Phone for having a camera Bitmidi.org for being a repository with many known songs in midi form! The Spriters Resource (used puyo puyo graphics for like 2 secret textures lol) Scwiba for hosting NaNoWADMo Velvetic for causing the "George" joke and irreversibly changing the course of the making of the mapset The nice fellas I hang out with for the help and encouragement (You know who you are!!)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Ugh counting (started for NaNoWADMo 2023)
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, Paint.net, Whacked4, Doomtools(Wadmerge), Sekaiju(just to fix up midis to work in the vanilla exe, lol)
Bugs: Haven't seen any insects as of late...

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