Filename: levels/doom/g-i/heptic.zip
Size: 52.76 KB
Date: 02/04/05
Author: Steve Rountree
Description: I did not build this level with a lot of tricks and traps in mind, though there are a few of them, but instead as a good old shotgun crawl. You will have a variety of weapons to choose from but you will have to use your resources wisely. I tried to construct this level so that it can be completed if you use your head as well as your trigger finger. Running around blasting wildly at anything that moves may get you to the end of the level, but it may leave you a little short- handed to deal with what might be lurking there. I hope you enjoy this level. It took me a long time to finish it (I am constantly refining and touching up). I originally designed it for single or cooperative, but I have included several deathmatch starts and with the level's connectivity I think that it could work fairly well in deathmatch. Your responses are welcome and encouraged. Enjoy!!
Credits: Creators of Deu 5.0/5.1 and Bsp1.0/11x and Id software, of course.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Uncertain (several weeks off and on).
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.0/5.1 & Bsp1.0/11x
Bugs: None.
Rating: (5 votes)

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Early 1994 map, so rated as such. Highly non-lineair layout with a lot of mazes, varying texture use, good ambiance, and attractive, adventure-type gameplay. Overall: this map definitely gave a lot of what 1994 players wanted, so solid 4*. BTW nofi, but 0* vomit shows a serious lack of historical perspective...x
Ugly, but highly playable. First room is a 7 spoke hub. It makes all the difference choosing the right exit to start with.x
One of the great early classics. Don't listen to the idiot who posted before!x
Piece of shit! STOP UPLOADING!x

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