Filename: levels/doom/g-i/holiday.zip
Size: 95.03 KB
Date: 06/01/05
Author: Neil Riehle
Description: This is my first wad and still my favorite. You need all three keys to finish, and you will have to do some backtracking. There is a Cyberdemon in one of the secret areas in the most difficult setting.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Started in early 1996. Many hours invested.
Editor(s) used: HellMaker v1.2 beta 2, MacBSP 1.0
Bugs: Unknown
Rating: (7 votes)

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Made in April 1994, so rated as such. Huge adventure level, clearly a large amount of effort has been put in this. Lots of cramped corridors, different scenes, and a lot of traps. Sadly the overly use of red textures feels awful, and the gameplay has even for 1994 too many flaws and leaves too much to desire. Playing the adventure gives a quite uncomfortable feeling. Overall: 3* mostly for the effort & size, and despite the 5* ratings below, uncomparable with much better early 1994 maps like cortyr_b.x
Wow. A *slaughter* wad. How inventive and fascinating. My score reflects this sentiment. What rubbish.x
very nice map...i liked itx
Good map, just thisx
Big, sprawling, hellish map with lots of monsters to kill and areas to explore. Challenging at first but gets easier as you fill up on ammo. Some good gameplay -- when revisiting old sections new monsters appear, some nice traps, and you're seldom lost. On the other hand, the design feels a bit haphazard, there are places where you need to find secret passages to progress, and it can feel a bit repetitive at times. 6/8 secrets is max. Very rough around the edges but worth a playthrough. --3/5x

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